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Funimal by Pleduco is an original, educational and ecological card game with a social value. A unified concept can playfully teach you the Dutch or the English language. We try to put children and foreigners in contact with these languages through our fun and simple card game.

Our game


Funimal is a fun, educational and ecological card game for young and old. It is a unique game to playfully learn our Dutch language or English. It's a card game with recognizable animals. It is the intention to be the first to discard all your cards. This requires different cards and you must form word chains.

Pleduco funimal.jpg


How does it work?

Each playing card displays an animal with its name at the bottom. The first and last letter are in the top left and right corner. An animal card may be placed on an animal card, the name of which begins and / or ends with one of these letters. You can also make a strategic choice and place a monkey card. A detailed manual is provided in the appendix.



· 133 cards (98 animal cards and 35 monkey cards)

· 2 to 8 players

· 5-99 years

· Language: Dutch or English


Instagram posts


  • Instagram - White Circle
About us



Sint-Ludgardisschool in Merksem and the students of the 5 ASO economy joined forces and established a mini-company in September 2018. Together we came up with a unique concept to playfully improve the language skills of different target groups. We soon came up with the key words: Play, Learn, Education, Economics. A combination of letters brought us to the name of our mini-company: PLEDUCO. We won several prizes for the best mini-company in Kapellen, Wijnegem and also in the Province of Antwerp. Former financial director Lisa Beckers left our student company in May 2019.


Vlaamse Jonge Ondernemingen (Vlajo) wants to encourage young people to do business. Every year, Vlajo chooses the best mini-company in Flanders. Vlajo wants to stimulate creative talent and be the bridge between education and business. Be sure to view the Vlajo website for more information about young entrepreneurship.

The team


Anna Rozi Jagubjan
General Director
She ensures that everything runs smoothly and that all tasks are completed on time. She also helps the entire team.
Sean Mommers
Technical and
Financial director
He follows all orders and keeps an eye on our stock.  He is responsible for all the accounting and follow up all invoices.
Mohammed Kachiri
Deputy and Administrative director
He supports our CEO and the entire team where he can. He follows all our e-mails and also keeps an overview of the planning.
Next year he will start his first year of Applied Economics at the University of Antwerp.
Emilie Van Steene Commercial director
She maintains our Instagram account. She takes care of our sales stands and the development of the promotional material.

Jacqueline Chow

Commercial employee
She maintains our Facebook page and follows up our emails. She also supports our Commercial Director. 


Our timeline


January 2019

- First prize for best mini-company in          shopping center of Kapellen. 

March 2019

- We won the provincial final in the "best    mini-company" of the year competition.

- We had a meeting with the rector of the   University of Antwerp and talked about    a collaboration.

December 2018

- First sales moment In Sint-                      Ludgardisschool Merksem.

February 2019

- Presentation of shareholders in the          Cultural Center at the Luchtbal

- First prize for best mini-company en        third prize for best selling techniques in    Wijnegem shopping center.

- Interview with regional television ATV.

- We got nominated for 2 competitions:      the "best mini-company" and "best            socio-economic project" (SEP) 

- We visited an OKAN class of teacher      Lily Mbuyi in Merksem

April 2019

- We lose the SEP competition

- We get visit, The provincial                       representatives Ludwig de Caluwé and   Kathleen Helsen came visit our school    and company.

- We win the "mini-company of the year"    price, together with the "innovative            entrepreneurship award" and the              "Disney creativity award" in the                Flemish finals in Brussels.

- We start cooperating with docAtlas          Antwerp


July 2019

- European finals in Lille against other European winners of their national "mini-company of the year" competition. Here we come!

Our prizes


We are proud to say that we won, as a team, during last year several prizes.


- First prize in "Best mini-company" at the sale at Kapellen Promenade Shopping center

- First prize in "Best mini-company" and third          place in "Best selling techniques" at the sale at      Wijnegem Shopping center

- "Best mini-company of the province of Antwerp"

- "Best Flemish mini-company of the year"

- Deloitte Innovation Award

- all 14 stars at the Vlajo Star Awards



Pleduco team 3.jpg
Articles and interviews


Do you have any questions?


Sint-Ludgardisschool Merksem

Du Chastellei 48,



Tel: +324 89 86 51 65

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